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pod: Download and install all pods defined in the Podfile (that haven't been installed before).
$ pod install
try on your machine

The command "pod install" is used in iOS development with the CocoaPods dependency manager. CocoaPods is a popular tool for managing dependencies in Xcode projects.

When you execute the "pod install" command, CocoaPods checks the project's Podfile (a plain text file) for a list of dependencies specified by the developer. It then downloads the required dependencies from the CocoaPods repository and installs them in the project.

In other words, "pod install" fetches the necessary libraries and frameworks specified in the Podfile and integrates them into your Xcode project. This allows you to seamlessly use third-party libraries and frameworks in your iOS application development.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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