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pod: List all available pods.
$ pod list
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The command "pod list" is used in the context of Kubernetes, a popular container orchestration platform. This command lists all the running pods in the current Kubernetes cluster.

When you execute "pod list", Kubernetes queries the Kubernetes API server to fetch information about the pods currently running in the cluster. A pod is the smallest unit in Kubernetes and represents one or more containers running together on a single node. Each pod consists of a unique name, a distinct IP address, and its own set of resources and storage.

The output of the "pod list" command typically includes details like the pod name, the namespace it belongs to, the status (running, pending, completed), the relevant IP address(es), and the node on which the pod is running. This information helps administrators and developers to monitor the status and health of pods in their cluster.

Overall, "pod list" is a straightforward command that provides a useful overview of the current state of pods in a Kubernetes cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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