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pprof: Run a web server that serves a web interface on top of `pprof`.
$ pprof -http=${localhost:8080} ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
try on your machine

The command pprof is a profiling tool provided by the Go programming language. It is used to profile and analyze the performance of Go programs. Let's break down the command:

  1. pprof: The pprof command is the main command that runs the profiling tool.

  2. -http=${localhost:8080}: This flag specifies that the pprof tool should generate an HTTP server and serve the profiling data on localhost at port 8080. By accessing this server in a web browser, we can view and interact with the profiling data.

  3. ${--fibbo}: This is a placeholder or variable for the program or process you want to profile. The actual process could be any Go program, and you need to replace ${--fibbo} with the actual command that starts your program.

  4. ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}: This is another variable that represents the filename or location where the generated profiling data will be stored. It should be replaced with the actual filename or path you want to use.

In summary, the command pprof -http=${localhost:8080} ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz} runs the pprof tool, starts an HTTP server to serve the profiling data, profiles the specified program or process, and stores the generated profiling data to a specified location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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