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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pprof. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pprof is a command-line tool that is part of the Go programming language's standard library. It is used for analyzing and diagnosing the performance of Go programs.

  1. pprof allows developers to collect and analyze profiles of their Go programs, focusing on CPU usage, memory allocation, and contention.
  2. It provides a way to investigate hotspots in the program's execution, helping identify parts of the code that consume the most CPU time.
  3. Using pprof, developers can understand memory allocation patterns, enabling them to optimize memory usage and avoid memory leaks.
  4. It can also identify synchronization bottlenecks, detecting areas where contention occurs due to locks or other synchronization primitives.
  5. pprof allows the creation of profiles through different methods like sampling, function-level tracing, and heap profiling.
  6. Profiles can be collected in a variety of formats, including text, graphical, and interactive web-based visualizations.
  7. The tool enables developers to compare multiple profiles, allowing them to observe changes in performance over time or after making specific optimizations.
  8. It offers various analysis functions like top, which presents the highest consuming functions; list, which displays source code with profiling annotations; and web, which launches a local web server to view profiles interactively.
  9. pprof supports integration with the Go runtime, providing accurate and detailed profiling information even in heavily concurrent applications.
  10. It plays a crucial role in optimizing and tuning Go programs for better performance, making it a valuable tool for developers working with the language.

List of commands for pprof:

  • pprof:tldr:054c6 pprof: Run a web server that serves a web interface on top of `pprof`.
    $ pprof -http=${localhost:8080} ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
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  • pprof:tldr:31438 pprof: Generate a graph and open it on a web browser.
    $ pprof -svg ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
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  • pprof:tldr:49d24 pprof: Run pprof in interactive mode to be able to manually launch `pprof` on a file.
    $ pprof ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
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  • pprof:tldr:7354f pprof: Fetch a profile from an HTTP server and generate a report.
    $ pprof ${http:--localhost:8080-debug-pprof}
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  • pprof:tldr:fdeea pprof: Generate a text report from a specific profiling file, on fibbo binary.
    $ pprof -top ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
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