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pprof: Generate a graph and open it on a web browser.
$ pprof -svg ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}
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The command pprof -svg ${--fibbo} ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz} is used to generate an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) visualization of the profiling data collected from the execution of a program or code.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • pprof: This is the command-line tool used for profiling and analyzing performance data in a Go program.
  • -svg: This flag specifies that the output should be in the SVG format. SVG is a vector image format that can be rendered in web browsers or other applications.
  • ${--fibbo}: This is a placeholder for the input program or binary file that was executed or instrumented to collect profiling data. You need to replace ${--fibbo} with the actual name or path of the binary file you want to profile.
  • ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz}: This is another placeholder that represents the input profiling data file. You need to replace ${--fibbo-profile-pb-gz} with the actual name or path of the profiling data file you want to visualize. The -profile-pb-gz extension suggests that the data file is in a gzipped Protocol Buffers format, which is a common format for storing profiling data in Go.

Once you replace the placeholders with the actual file names, running the command will generate an SVG visualization of the profiling data, which can be opened with an SVG viewer or web browser to analyze and understand the code's performance characteristics. The visualization typically includes a call graph, showing the functions and their execution times, helping identify performance bottlenecks and hotspots within the code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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