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prettier: Format a file or directory, replacing the original.
$ prettier --write ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command prettier --write ${filename_or_directory} executes the Prettier code formatting tool to automatically format JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, and other code files. Here's an explanation of each component within the command:

  • prettier: This is the executable command for running the Prettier tool. It should be installed globally on your system or available as a local dependency within your project.

  • --write: This is a Prettier option that instructs the tool to apply the formatting changes directly to the specified file or files.

  • ${filename_or_directory}: This is a placeholder representing the name of a specific file or the path to a directory containing files. It can be replaced with the actual name (including the extension) of a file you want to format or with a directory path to format all applicable files within that directory and its subdirectories.

When you run this command in a terminal or command prompt, Prettier will read the given file or files, automatically format them according to Prettier's formatting rules, and overwrite the previous file(s) with the newly formatted version(s).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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