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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool prettier. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Prettier is a command line tool used for code formatting and maintaining consistent code styles across different programming languages. It automatically formats code, eliminating the need for manual formatting and style decisions.

Prettier supports several programming languages including JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, YAML, and more. It is widely used in the development community because of its simplicity and ease of integration into various workflows.

The tool analyzes the code and applies a set of predefined rules to format it. These rules ensure consistent formatting, including indentation, line length, spacing, and other style conventions.

Prettier can be used as a standalone command line tool or integrated into editors and IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom. It also has plugins for popular build tools like webpack and gulp, allowing code formatting as part of the development process.

The tool supports configuration options to customize the formatting rules according to specific project requirements. It provides a configuration file where developers can define their formatting preferences.

Prettier uses a deterministic algorithm, ensuring that the output is consistent regardless of the developer or the machine running it. This eliminates potential formatting disputes in collaborative projects.

The tool can be used to format entire projects or specific files, making it flexible and adaptable to different codebases. It also enables integration into CI/CD pipelines, ensuring consistent formatting throughout the development and deployment process.

Prettier focuses on pragmatism over personal style choices, aiming for readability and maintainability. Its opinionated approach saves time and effort by removing formatting debates and allowing developers to focus on writing code.

With its active community and regular updates, Prettier stays up to date with modern code styles and best practices, making it a reliable tool for code formatting and improving code quality.

List of commands for prettier:

  • prettier:tldr:4238b prettier: Format a file and print the result to `stdout`.
    $ prettier ${filename}
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  • prettier:tldr:50bfb prettier: Format JavaScript and TypeScript files recursively, replacing the original.
    $ prettier --write "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"
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  • prettier:tldr:7d2ee prettier: Format a file or directory, replacing the original.
    $ prettier --write ${filename_or_directory}
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  • prettier:tldr:97d3d prettier: Format files or directories recursively using single quotes and no trailing commas.
    $ prettier --single-quote --trailing-comma ${none} --write ${filename_or_directory}
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  • prettier:tldr:cb01d prettier: Check if a specific file has been formatted.
    $ prettier --check ${filename}
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  • prettier:tldr:debc1 prettier: Run with a specific configuration file.
    $ prettier --config ${path-to-config_file} ${filename}
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tool overview