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procs: List all processes showing the PID, user, CPU usage, memory usage, and the command which started them.
$ procs
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The command "procs" is a command-line tool used in Linux/Unix-based operating systems to display information about running processes. When you execute the "procs" command in the terminal, it will provide you with a list of active processes currently running on your system.

The output of the "procs" command typically includes information about each process, such as the process ID (PID), the user running the process, the amount of CPU and memory resources the process is using, the command that initiated the process, and its status (running, sleeping, etc.).

This command can be helpful to monitor and manage running processes on your system. It allows you to identify resource-intensive processes, check the status of a specific process, or monitor the overall system load by analyzing the CPU and memory consumption of active processes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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