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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool procs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"procs" is a command line tool for managing running processes in Unix-like systems. It is designed to provide a simplified and user-friendly interface for process management.

One of the main features of procs is its interactive process viewer, which displays real-time information about running processes. This includes details such as process ID, name, CPU usage, memory usage, and more. The viewer allows users to sort and filter processes based on various criteria, making it easier to find and analyze specific processes.

With procs, users can also easily kill or terminate processes directly from the command line. By providing the process ID or name as an argument, users can swiftly stop unwanted or unresponsive processes.

The tool also supports the grouping of processes by specific criteria, such as user, parent process, or process group. This can help in identifying relationships between processes and understanding process hierarchies.

procs includes options to display processes in various formats, such as a tree view or a summary view. These different views provide users with flexibility in how they visualize and analyze process information.

Additionally, procs offers features like process highlighting, which allows users to mark specific processes with colors for easy identification.

It also supports searching for and listing processes based on specific criteria, enabling efficient process management.

The procs tool is lightweight and highly efficient, consuming minimal system resources even when monitoring a large number of processes.

It is a cross-platform tool that runs on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD.

Overall, procs provides a powerful and intuitive command line interface for managing and monitoring processes, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and power users.

List of commands for procs:

  • procs:tldr:07472 procs: List information about all processes sorted by CPU time in [a]scending or [d]escending order.
    $ procs ${select} cpu
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  • procs:tldr:28e43 procs: List information about processes, if the commands which started them contain `zsh`.
    $ procs ${zsh}
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  • procs:tldr:60b3f procs: List information about processes with either a PID, command, or user containing `41` or `firefox`.
    $ procs --or ${select} ${41} ${firefox}
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  • procs:tldr:a9268 procs: List information about processes with both PID `41` and a command or user containing `zsh`.
    $ procs --and ${41} ${zsh}
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  • procs:tldr:b3c3d procs: List all processes showing the PID, user, CPU usage, memory usage, and the command which started them.
    $ procs
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tool overview