This command is composed of two parts: ${command} and progress --monitor --pid $!.
${command}: This is a placeholder for an actual command that will be executed. This allows for dynamic substitution of different commands based on the context or input.
& progress --monitor --pid $!: The "&" symbol is used to run the preceding command in the background. The "progress" command is a tool that monitors the progress of a running process. By specifying "--monitor" and "--pid $!", it tells the "progress" command to monitor the background process that was just started.
The "$!" is a special variable that holds the process ID (PID) of the most recently executed background process. By passing this PID to the "progress" command, it can keep track of the progress of the background process and display relevant information.
Overall, this command executes another command (${command}) in the background and concurrently monitors its progress using the "progress" command.