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projucer: Resave all files and resources in a project.
$ Projucer --resave ${path-to-project_file}
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The command Projucer --resave ${path-to-project_file} is used to run the Projucer application and initiate a re-save operation on a specified project file.


  • Projucer: This is the name of the application or binary file that performs various tasks related to JUCE projects. Projucer is a software development tool used for creating projects, managing settings, generating code, and more.

  • --resave: This is an option or flag that instructs Projucer to perform a resave operation on a project file. Resaving a project file can update the file to include any changes made to the project settings, paths, dependencies, or other configuration options.

  • ${path-to-project_file}: This is a placeholder for the actual path to the project file that needs to be resaved. You need to replace ${path-to-project_file} with the specific file path on your system, such as /path/to/my_project.jucer.

By running this command in the terminal or command prompt, Projucer will open and re-save the specified project file, incorporating any recent changes or modifications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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