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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool Projucer. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Projucer is a command line tool used for managing projects and configurations in the JUCE framework. It allows developers to create, modify, and export cross-platform applications, plugins, and multimedia software.

  1. Projucer is part of the JUCE framework, a popular C++ library for creating audio and multimedia applications.
  2. It provides a command line interface for developers to streamline project management tasks.
  3. With Projucer, developers can create new projects from scratch or import existing projects for further development.
  4. It supports various project templates, including audio plugins, standalone applications, and integrated development environments (IDEs).
  5. Projucer provides a user-friendly interface to modify project settings such as audio settings, GUI components, and deployment targets.
  6. It supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android, enabling developers to build cross-platform applications effortlessly.
  7. Projucer seamlessly integrates with popular IDEs like Xcode and Visual Studio, offering a flexible development environment.
  8. It simplifies the configuration process by generating makefiles, Xcode projects, or Visual Studio solutions, enabling developers to focus on coding rather than build system setup.
  9. Projucer also facilitates exporting projects as standalone applications or plugins, making it easier to distribute and deploy software.
  10. It offers advanced features like live coding, where changes made in the Projucer tool instantly reflect in the running application, enhancing the development workflow.

List of commands for Projucer:

  • projucer:tldr:0c7e1 projucer: Display information about a project.
    $ Projucer --status ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:3605a projucer: Resave all files and resources in a project.
    $ Projucer --resave ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:57025 projucer: Generate a JUCE project from a PIP file.
    $ Projucer --create-project-from-pip ${path-to-PIP} ${path-to-output}
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  • projucer:tldr:746bb projucer: Display help.
    $ Projucer --help
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  • projucer:tldr:92b58 projucer: Update the version number in a project.
    $ Projucer --set-version ${version_number} ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:b337a projucer: Remove all JUCE-style comments (`//=====`, `//-----` or `///////`).
    $ Projucer --tidy-divider-comments ${path-to-target_folder}
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tool overview