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projucer: Display help.
$ Projucer --help
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The command "Projucer --help" is used to obtain the help information for the Projucer tool.

The Projucer is a software development toolkit created by JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions), which is a framework for developing audio, MIDI, and GUI applications. It provides various tools and utilities to simplify and streamline the development process.

Running the command "Projucer --help" will display a list of available command-line options and their descriptions. It provides details on how to use the Projucer tool, its commands, and any additional features it may offer.

This command is particularly useful if you are starting with Projucer or want to explore its functionalities and available options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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