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List of commands for promtool:

  • promtool:tldr:05e41 promtool: Check if the rule files are valid or not (if present report errors).
    $ promtool check rules ${rules_file-yml}
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  • promtool:tldr:33cd4 promtool: Pass Prometheus metrics over `stdin` to check them for consistency and correctness.
    $ curl --silent ${http:--example-com:9090-metrics-} | promtool check metrics
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  • promtool:tldr:5e167 promtool: Check if the config files are valid or not (if present report errors).
    $ promtool check config ${config_file-yml}
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  • promtool:tldr:b3194 promtool: Unit tests for rules config.
    $ promtool test rules ${test_file-yml}
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