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prosodyctl: Permanently delete a user.
$ sudo prosodyctl deluser ${user@example-com}
try on your machine

The command "sudo prosodyctl deluser ${user@example-com}" is used to remove a user from the Prosody XMPP server.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo" is a command used in Linux and Unix-like operating systems to execute other commands with administrative privileges. It allows the command to be run as the superuser (root) or another specified user who has administrative privileges.
  • "prosodyctl" is a command-line tool used for managing the Prosody XMPP server. It allows you to perform various administrative tasks such as creating users, deleting users, managing virtual hosts, etc.
  • "deluser" is a specific command within "prosodyctl" used for deleting a user from the XMPP server.
  • "${user@example-com}" is a placeholder representing the username and domain for the user you want to delete. You need to replace "user@example-com" with the actual username and domain of the user you wish to remove. For example, if you wanted to delete a user with the username "john" from the domain "", you would replace "${user@example-com}" with "".

Overall, the command is used with administrative privileges to remove a specific user from the Prosody XMPP server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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