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List of commands for protoc:

  • protoc:tldr:1ba38 protoc: Generate code for multiple languages.
    $ protoc --csharp_out=${path-to-c#_output_directory} --js_out=${path-to-js_output_directory} ${input_file-proto}
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  • protoc:tldr:8755a protoc: Generate Java code from a `.proto` file that imports other `.proto` files.
    $ protoc --java_out=${path-to-output_directory} --proto_path=${path-to-import_search_path} ${input_file-proto}
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  • protoc:tldr:9235d protoc: Generate Python code from a `.proto` file.
    $ protoc --python_out=${path-to-output_directory} ${input_file-proto}
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