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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool protoc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Protoc is a command line tool used in the Protocol Buffers framework developed by Google. It is mainly used for generating code to serialize structured data for communication between different services or systems.

This tool takes as input a .proto file, which is a file defining the structure and format of the data, using a simple language designed for describing data structures. The .proto files contain definitions of messages, service endpoints, and other elements required for data serialization.

Protoc then generates code in various programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Go, and more, based on the .proto file. This generated code helps developers in manipulating, transmitting, and de-serializing the structured data efficiently.

Protoc supports backward and forward compatibility, allowing the evolution of the data schema without breaking existing code, which is crucial for services in production environments. It also offers various options and plugins to customize the code generation process, enabling developers to tailor the generated code to their specific needs.

This tool also provides support for generating documentation through plugins, making it easier for developers to understand and use the generated code. Additionally, it offers features like importing dependent files, optimizing compiled code for size or speed, and adding annotations to generated code.

Protoc has gained popularity due to its efficiency in transmitting data over the network, its extensive language support, and its ability to generate code for multiple platforms. It has become a go-to tool for developers working on distributed systems and inter-service communication.

List of commands for protoc:

  • protoc:tldr:1ba38 protoc: Generate code for multiple languages.
    $ protoc --csharp_out=${path-to-c#_output_directory} --js_out=${path-to-js_output_directory} ${input_file-proto}
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  • protoc:tldr:8755a protoc: Generate Java code from a `.proto` file that imports other `.proto` files.
    $ protoc --java_out=${path-to-output_directory} --proto_path=${path-to-import_search_path} ${input_file-proto}
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  • protoc:tldr:9235d protoc: Generate Python code from a `.proto` file.
    $ protoc --python_out=${path-to-output_directory} ${input_file-proto}
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