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prstat: Print out a list of top 5 CPU using processes every second.
$ prstat -c -n ${5} -s cpu ${1}
try on your machine

The given command is prstat, which is a command line tool used in Unix-like operating systems (such as Solaris) to monitor system processes and resource utilization. Let's break down the command and its options:

  • prstat: The base command to invoke the prstat tool.
  • -c: This option specifies that prstat will display the command name associated with each process. It shows the name of the program or command that is currently running.
  • -n ${5}: This option is used to specify the number of iterations prstat will run before terminating. ${5} refers to the fifth argument passed to the command, which specifies the number of iterations prstat will execute. The actual value of ${5} needs to be provided when running the command.
  • -s cpu: This option tells prstat to sort the output based on CPU usage. It will display the processes with the highest CPU usage at the top.
  • ${1}: The first argument passed to the command specifies the process ID (PID) or user for which the prstat command will display information.

In summary, the given command will display information about the processes associated with the specified PID or user, showing their command names and CPU usage. The number of iterations and the specific PID or user need to be provided when running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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