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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool prstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Prstat is a command line tool available in Unix-based operating systems, primarily used for monitoring and reporting system performance statistics. It stands for "process statistics" and provides real-time information about CPU, memory, disk usage, and other resource utilization.

Prstat allows users to monitor the performance of individual processes, helping identify resource-intensive applications or processes consuming excessive system resources. It provides detailed information on CPU usage, including user, system, and idle time, as well as the percentage of CPU utilized by each process.

Memory usage statistics provided by prstat include the amount of physical memory used, the amount of swap space utilized, and information about the top memory-consuming processes.

Disk I/O statistics offered by prstat include input/output operations, disk throughput, and the percentage of time the disk is busy performing read/write operations.

Prstat also provides information on thread counts, process start time, and the virtual memory used by each process. It allows users to sort the displayed information based on different criteria, such as CPU usage, memory consumption, or process ID.

Overall, prstat is a powerful command line tool that helps system administrators and users monitor and analyze system performance, facilitating resource management and optimization.

List of commands for prstat:

  • prstat:tldr:06d2f prstat: Report total usage summary for each user.
    $ prstat -t
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  • prstat:tldr:52a5a prstat: Print out a list of top 5 CPU using processes every second.
    $ prstat -c -n ${5} -s cpu ${1}
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  • prstat:tldr:b85ec prstat: Report microstate process accounting information.
    $ prstat -m
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  • prstat:tldr:cf4f8 prstat: Examine all processes and reports statistics sorted by CPU usage.
    $ prstat
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  • prstat:tldr:ddd06 prstat: Examine all processes and reports statistics sorted by memory usage.
    $ prstat -s rss
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