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List of commands for psexec:

  • psexec:tldr:13fe3 psexec: Execute a program to interact with users.
    $ psexec \\${remote_host} -d -i ${program_name}
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  • psexec:tldr:4cde0 psexec: Execute a command on a remote host (pre-authenticated).
    $ psexec \\${remote_host} -u ${user_name} -p ${password}
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  • psexec:tldr:ad939 psexec: Execute a command using `cmd` in a remote shell.
    $ psexec \\${remote_host} cmd
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  • psexec:tldr:cffeb psexec: Display the IP configuration of the remote host.
    $ psexec \\${remote_host} ipconfig /all
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  • psexec:tldr:e81d5 psexec: Execute a command remotely and output the result to a file.
    $ psexec \\${remote_host} cmd /c ${command} -an ^>${path\to\file-txt}
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