List of commands for pssh:
pssh:tldr:1977b pssh: Run a command with extra SSH arguments.$ pssh -i -h ${path-to-hosts_file} -x "${-O VisualHostKey=yes}" ${hostname -i}try on your machineexplain this command
pssh:tldr:624a8 pssh: Run a command limiting the number of parallel connections to 10.$ pssh -i -h ${path-to-hosts_file} -p ${10} '${cd dir; --script-sh; exit}'try on your machineexplain this command
pssh:tldr:92b74 pssh: Run a command as root (this asks for the root password).$ pssh -i -h ${path-to-hosts_file} -A -l ${root_username} ${hostname -i}try on your machineexplain this command
pssh:tldr:c685f pssh: Run a command on two hosts, and print its output on each server inline.$ pssh -i -H "${host1} ${host2}" ${hostname -i}try on your machineexplain this command
pssh:tldr:d9660 pssh: Run a command and save the output to separate files.$ pssh -H ${host1} -H ${host2} -o ${path-to-output_dir} ${hostname -i}try on your machineexplain this command
pssh:tldr:f474a pssh: Run a command on multiple hosts, specified in a new-line separated file.$ pssh -i -h ${path-to-hosts_file} ${hostname -i}try on your machineexplain this command