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pt: Find files containing "foo" as a whole word and ignore its case.
$ pt -wi ${foo}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a Unix-like operating system's command-line interface, where "pt" is the name of a command or program.

The "-wi" option is an argument passed to the "pt" command. The exact functionality of this option would depend on the specific command being used. "-wi" could be an abbreviation for a particular flag or mode, or it could have a custom interpretation within the specific program being executed.

"${foo}" is a placeholder for a variable named "foo". The curly brackets "{}" are used to enclose the variable name, allowing the system to identify it as a separate entity. The dollar sign "$" is used to indicate that the following characters form a variable name.

The value of the "foo" variable will be substituted in place of "${foo}" before the command is executed. The exact outcome would depend on the value assigned to the variable "foo" at the time the command is run.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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