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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pt is a command line tool that stands for "path traversal" and is often used to test and exploit web application vulnerabilities. It is primarily designed to traverse through directories and files that are present on a web server.

  1. pt is written in the Go programming language and is known for its speed and efficiency.
  2. It is used by ethical hackers and penetration testers to identify security flaws in web applications.
  3. The tool is capable of detecting path traversal vulnerabilities, where an attacker can manipulate the file paths and access restricted files.
  4. pt uses a dictionary-based approach, where it tries to access common directories and files using predefined wordlists.
  5. It supports multiple protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and various others, making it versatile for testing different types of web applications.
  6. The tool can be used to find sensitive information like configuration files, source code files, and even database credentials that may have been mistakenly exposed.
  7. pt provides various options for customization, allowing users to define their own wordlists and specify certain file extensions to target.
  8. It supports both single-threaded and multi-threaded scanning, allowing for efficient scanning of directories and files.
  9. pt generates comprehensive reports with detailed information on the discovered vulnerabilities, making it easier for users to understand and fix the issues.
  10. It is essential for web developers and administrators to regularly scan their applications using tools like pt to identify and address any potential security weaknesses that may be exploitable by malicious individuals.

List of commands for pt:

  • pt:tldr:06a92 pt: Find "foo" in files with a given extension using a regular expression.
    $ pt -G='${\-bar$}' ${foo}
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  • pt:tldr:830bf pt: Find files whose contents match the regular expression, up to 2 directories deep.
    $ pt --depth=${2} -e '${^ba[rz]*$}'
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  • pt:tldr:b2113 pt: Find files containing "foo" and print the files with highlighted matches.
    $ pt ${foo}
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  • pt:tldr:cb26c pt: Find files containing "foo" and display count of matches in each file.
    $ pt -c ${foo}
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  • pt:tldr:e885b pt: Find files containing "foo" as a whole word and ignore its case.
    $ pt -wi ${foo}
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tool overview