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pup: Print all text from the filtered HTML elements and their children.
$ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} text{}'
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The command cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} text{}' is a combination of two commands: cat and pup, with the output of the first command piped into the second command.

  1. cat ${index-html}: This command uses cat (short for concatenate) to display the content of a file named index.html. The file path is obtained from the variable ${index-html}.

  2. |: The pipe character | is used to redirect the output of the previous command to the next command.

  3. pup '${div} text{}': This command uses pup, a command-line tool for parsing HTML, to extract specific information from the HTML output. It uses a CSS selector (${div}) to specify the element(s) of interest, and text{} to indicate that only the text content inside those elements should be extracted.

To summarize, this command displays the content of the index.html file and then extracts and displays the text content of the HTML elements, specified by the CSS selector ${div}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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