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pup: Print HTML as JSON.
$ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} json{}'
try on your machine

This command uses two command-line tools, cat and pup, to extract JSON data from an HTML file.

  1. cat is a command used to concatenate and display the contents of files. In this case, it is used to read and display the content of the file referenced by the variable ${index-html}.

  2. ${index-html} is a variable that holds the name or path of the HTML file. It is assumed that the variable has been previously assigned a valid value.

  3. The | symbol is a pipe and is used to redirect the output of the cat command to the input of the next command (pup).

  4. pup is a command-line tool used for parsing HTML. It allows you to extract and manipulate data using CSS selectors. In this command, it is used to extract JSON data.

  5. '${div} json{}' is a pup command that specifies which elements to extract and their format. In this case, it selects all div elements and then formats the extracted data as JSON.

So, the command reads the content of the HTML file specified by the ${index-html} variable using cat, passes it to pup through the pipe, and extracts all div elements as JSON data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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