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puppet-agent: Run the agent in dry-mode.
$ puppet agent --test --noop
try on your machine

The puppet agent --test --noop command is used to perform a test run of the Puppet agent in "no-op" or "dry-run" mode.

  • puppet agent is the command-line tool used to manage Puppet configuration on a node.
  • --test flag instructs the Puppet agent to run in test mode, which checks for any configuration changes that need to be applied on the node.
  • --noop flag (short for "no operation") is used in conjunction with --test to perform a dry-run of the Puppet agent. In this mode, Puppet does not make any actual changes on the node, but instead simulates the changes it would make if it were run in normal mode.

By running puppet agent --test --noop, you can see the changes that Puppet would apply on the node without actually modifying any files or configurations. This can help you verify the expected behavior of your Puppet manifests before making any permanent changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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