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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool puppet. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Puppet is a powerful command line tool used for configuration management and automation of IT infrastructure. It is an open-source tool that allows for the installation, configuration, and management of software and systems across multiple platforms. Puppet uses a declarative language to describe the desired state of your infrastructure, which allows for easy configuration management. With Puppet, you can define specifications for your infrastructure and Puppet automatically takes care of bringing it to the desired state. It provides a centralized solution for configuration management, allowing you to manage your entire infrastructure from a single location. Puppet uses a client-server architecture, where the Puppet master server distributes configurations to Puppet agents running on the target nodes. One of the key benefits of Puppet is its ability to enforce consistency in infrastructure configuration, reducing errors and ensuring reliable system behavior. It supports role-based access control, enabling different team members to have different levels of access and control over the infrastructure. Puppet has a vast ecosystem of modules and a large community, which makes it easy to find pre-built solutions and best practices for most common infrastructure management tasks. Overall, Puppet simplifies the process of managing complex infrastructure, automates repetitive tasks, and improves the efficiency of IT operations.

List of commands for puppet:

  • puppet-agent:tldr:41069 puppet-agent: Log every resource being evaluated (even if nothing is being changed).
    $ puppet agent --test --evaltrace
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:483f2 puppet-agent: Disable the agent.
    $ puppet agent --disable "${message}"
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:49fcc puppet-agent: Run the agent in dry-mode.
    $ puppet agent --test --noop
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:6ea4a puppet-agent: Enable the agent.
    $ puppet agent --enable
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:8e9b7 puppet-agent: Run the agent once in the foreground, then exit.
    $ puppet agent --test
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:d5553 puppet-agent: Run the agent in the background (uses settings from `puppet.conf`).
    $ puppet agent
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  • puppet-agent:tldr:f1be9 puppet-agent: Register a node at a Puppet server and apply the received catalog.
    $ puppet agent --test --server ${puppetserver_fqdn} --serverport ${port} --waitforcert ${poll_time}
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  • puppet-apply:tldr:15f50 puppet-apply: Execute puppet code.
    $ puppet apply --execute ${code}
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  • puppet-apply:tldr:36e63 puppet-apply: Apply a manifest.
    $ puppet apply ${path-to-manifest}
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  • puppet-apply:tldr:95f80 puppet-apply: Use a specific module and hiera config file.
    $ puppet apply --modulepath ${path-to-directory} --hiera_config ${filename} ${path-to-manifest}
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  • puppet:tldr:4214a puppet: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ puppet help ${subcommand}
    try on your machine
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  • puppet:tldr:53f88 puppet: Display help.
    $ puppet --help
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  • puppet:tldr:85ad8 puppet: Check the Puppet version.
    $ puppet --version
    try on your machine
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  • puppet:tldr:ed7bf puppet: Execute a Puppet subcommand.
    $ puppet ${subcommand}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview