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puppet-agent: Run the agent in the background (uses settings from `puppet.conf`).
$ puppet agent
try on your machine

The puppet agent command is used to control and manage the Puppet agent services on a node or client system. Puppet is a configuration management tool that automates the management and deployment of software and configurations across systems in a network.

When the puppet agent command is executed, it initiates the Puppet agent on the client system, which communicates with the Puppet master server. The agent collects information about the system's current state and applies any necessary configurations or changes according to the instructions received from the Puppet master.

Here are some common options and subcommands used with puppet agent:

  • --test or -t: This option runs the agent in test mode. It checks the system for any changes or updates that need to be applied without actually making any modifications.

  • --noop or -n: This option enables a "no-operation" mode. The agent fetches the configuration from the Puppet master but only simulates the changes without actually implementing them.

  • --onetime or -o: This option runs the agent once and exits. It performs a single Puppet run without entering the regular daemon mode.

  • --daemonize or -d: This option starts the Puppet agent in the background as a daemon process.

  • --config or -c: This option specifies an alternative location for the Puppet agent's configuration file.

  • --help or -h: This displays the help menu, providing information about available options and subcommands.

Overall, the puppet agent command is essential in managing the Puppet agent services and enforcing the desired system configurations on client machines.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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