List of commands for pv:
pv:tldr:169be pv: Print the contents of the file and display a progress bar.$ pv ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command
pv:tldr:4a528 pv: Read an erroneous file, skip errors as `dd conv=sync,noerror` would.$ pv -EE ${path-to-faulty_media} > image.imgtry on your machineexplain this command
pv:tldr:74da6 pv: Measure the speed and amount of data flow between pipes (`--size` is optional).$ command1 | pv --size ${expected_amount_of_data_for_eta} | command2try on your machineexplain this command
pv:tldr:74fa5 pv: Stop reading after reading specified amount of data, rate limit to 1K/s.$ pv -L 1K --stop-at --size ${maximum_file_size_to_be_read}try on your machineexplain this command
pv:tldr:883ae pv: Filter a file, see both progress and amount of output data.$ pv -cN in ${big_text_file} | grep ${pattern} | pv -cN out > ${filtered_file}try on your machineexplain this command
pv:tldr:eeea2 pv: Attach to an already running process and see its file reading progress.$ pv -d ${PID}try on your machineexplain this command