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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pv is a terminal-based (command-line based) tool in Linux that allows us for the monitoring of data being sent through pipe. The full form of pv command is Pipe Viewer. pv helps the user by giving him a visual display of the following, Time Elapsed.

List of commands for pv:

  • mysql:database:dump:with-progress-bar Import a MySQL dump with progress bar into a MySQL server
    $ pv ${mysql_dump_path} | mysql -u ${username} -p ${database_name}
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  • pv:tldr:169be pv: Print the contents of the file and display a progress bar.
    $ pv ${filename}
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  • pv:tldr:4a528 pv: Read an erroneous file, skip errors as `dd conv=sync,noerror` would.
    $ pv -EE ${path-to-faulty_media} > image.img
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  • pv:tldr:74fa5 pv: Stop reading after reading specified amount of data, rate limit to 1K/s.
    $ pv -L 1K --stop-at --size ${maximum_file_size_to_be_read}
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  • pv:tldr:883ae pv: Filter a file, see both progress and amount of output data.
    $ pv -cN in ${big_text_file} | grep ${pattern} | pv -cN out > ${filtered_file}
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  • pv:tldr:eeea2 pv: Attach to an already running process and see its file reading progress.
    $ pv -d ${PID}
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tool overview