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pw-cat: List all available record targets.
$ pw-cat --record --list-targets
try on your machine

The command "pw-cat --record --list-targets" is used to display a list of targets available in a password store. Let's break it down:

  • "pw-cat": This is the main command used to interact with the password store. It is a part of the "pass" password manager utility.

  • "--record": This is an option or flag used with the "pw-cat" command to specify that the command should operate on a single record (password entry). It indicates that you want to view the details of a single entry.

  • "--list-targets": This is another option or flag used with the "pw-cat" command to list the available targets in the password store. In password management systems, a target typically refers to a specific username or account for which a password is stored.

By combining these options, the command "pw-cat --record --list-targets" displays a list of targets (usernames or accounts) for which passwords are stored in the password store.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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