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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pw-cat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "pw-cat" is a utility designed to concatenate multiple files into a single output file. It allows users to combine the contents of several files into one consolidated file, simplifying the process of organizing or analyzing data spread across multiple files.

"Pw-cat" supports various file formats, including text files, binary files, CSV files, and more, making it versatile for different types of data manipulation scenarios. It can handle large files efficiently, ensuring minimal memory usage and optimal performance.

This tool is highly customizable, offering options to modify the output file's format, such as specifying separators between concatenated files or adding headers. Users can also specify the order of file concatenation to meet specific requirements.

In addition to concatenating files, "pw-cat" provides options to filter or selectively include/exclude specific portions of the input files based on criteria like regular expressions or matching patterns. This flexibility allows users to extract only the necessary content, eliminating the need for separate extraction tools.

"Pw-cat" is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It is often used in scripting or automation tasks, providing a command-line interface for streamlined data manipulation and processing. Overall, "pw-cat" is a powerful and versatile command line tool for efficiently combining, filtering, and manipulating files.

List of commands for pw-cat:

  • pw-cat:tldr:09f1a pw-cat: List all available record targets.
    $ pw-cat --record --list-targets
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  • pw-cat:tldr:23ac4 pw-cat: Play a WAV file over the default target.
    $ pw-cat --playback ${filename-wav}
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  • pw-cat:tldr:32ffd pw-cat: Record a sample recording at a different volume level.
    $ pw-cat --record --volume=${0-1} ${filename-wav}
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  • pw-cat:tldr:44345 pw-cat: List all available playback targets.
    $ pw-cat --playback --list-targets
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  • pw-cat:tldr:75734 pw-cat: Record a sample recording using a different sample rate.
    $ pw-cat --record --rate=${6000} ${filename-wav}
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