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pylint: Lint a file and use a configuration file (usually named `pylintrc`).
$ pylint --rcfile ${path-to-pylintrc} ${filename-py}
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The command you provided is used to run the Pylint Python linter with a specified configuration file (pylintrc) on a specific Python file (

Here's a breakdown of each component in the command:

  • pylint: Invokes the Pylint command-line interface.
  • --rcfile ${path-to-pylintrc}: Specifies the path to the configuration file (pylintrc) that Pylint should use. By default, Pylint looks for a pylintrc file in the current directory. This option allows you to use a custom configuration file located at a different location.
  • ${filename-py}: Represents the name of the Python file that you want Pylint to analyze. Make sure to replace ${filename-py} with the actual filename and its path.

By running this command, Pylint will utilize the specified configuration file (if provided) to analyze the chosen Python file for any potential code issues, violations, or style inconsistencies, providing a report of its findings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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