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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pylint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pylint is a popular open-source command-line tool for static code analysis and checking Python code for potential errors and code quality issues. It aims to enforce coding standards and help developers write cleaner and more maintainable code.

The tool analyzes Python source code and generates reports, highlighting errors, warnings, and conventions violations for various aspects of the codebase. It covers a wide range of checks, including syntax errors, coding style violations, possible bugs, unused variables, and more.

Pylint uses a set of pre-defined rules and algorithms to perform its analysis, following the principles of the PEP 8 style guide and other best practices. It assigns a numerical rating to each analyzed file or module, indicating the code quality and maintainability level.

The tool provides detailed reports with line-based comments and suggestions for improvement, helping developers identify and fix issues quickly. It also supports custom configurations, allowing developers to fine-tune the analysis process according to their specific needs.

Pylint integrates well with other tools and development environments, such as IDEs, editors, and continuous integration systems. It can be easily incorporated into existing workflows and build processes to ensure code quality checks are performed consistently.

Pylint follows a modular architecture and supports extensibility through plugins. Developers can create their own custom checkers and add them to the tool, enhancing its capabilities and tailoring it to their specific coding standards.

The tool has a large and active user community, with regular updates and contributions from developers worldwide. It has become an essential part of the Python development ecosystem, helping developers maintain high code quality standards and improve the overall reliability of their projects.

Pylint is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is available for free on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It can be installed easily using package managers like pip.

Using Pylint can promote better coding practices, improve code maintainability, and facilitate collaboration among developers by enforcing a consistent coding style and providing feedback on potential issues. It is a valuable tool for both individual developers and teams working on Python projects.

List of commands for pylint:

  • pylint:tldr:46105 pylint: Show lint errors in a file.
    $ pylint ${filename-py}
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  • pylint:tldr:897a6 pylint: Lint a file and disable a specific error code.
    $ pylint --disable ${C,W,no-error,design} ${filename}
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  • pylint:tldr:8a80f pylint: Lint a file and use a configuration file (usually named `pylintrc`).
    $ pylint --rcfile ${path-to-pylintrc} ${filename-py}
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tool overview