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List of commands for python:

  • python:ai:38562 This flight spell will open the Hogwarts website in Microsoft Edge browser
    $ python -c "import subprocess;${'explorer', 'microsoft-edge:'});"
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  • python:ai:43cd0 How to use sqlmap to inject union
    $ python -u ${URL} --data=${POST_DATA} --random-agent --technique=U --union-cols=1,2,3,4 --dump
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  • python:ai:84cea Starts a simple HTTP server to serve the website
    $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
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  • python:ai:cd19e how do i use sqlmap
    $ python -u ${target URL} --risk=${risk level} --level=${testing level}
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  • python:ai:e67ca Using Python, execute manrun module with the --make-man-run flag
    $ python -m manrun --make-man-run
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  • python:ai:ff482 How to use dork to find websites vulnerable to brute force attacts on admin pages
    $ python --dork ' inurl:admin' --output json
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  • python:tldr:23eee python: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
    $ python
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  • python:tldr:2ae56 python: Execute a specific Python file.
    $ python ${filename-py}
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  • python:tldr:3eada python: Run the script of the specified library module.
    $ python -m ${module} ${arguments}
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  • python:tldr:652a0 python: Start the built-in HTTP server on port 8000 in the current directory.
    $ python -m ${http-server}
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  • python:tldr:9d4b0 python: Execute a Python expression.
    $ python -c "${expression}"
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  • python:tldr:bea56 python: Install a package using `pip`.
    $ python -m ${pip} install ${package_name}
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  • python:tldr:f3731 python: Execute a specific Python file and start a REPL.
    $ python -i ${filename-py}
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