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qcp: Copy files, but swap the positions of the source and the target filenames in the editor.
$ qcp --option swap ${*-jpg}
try on your machine

The command qcp --option swap ${*-jpg} appears to be using the qcp utility with some options and arguments.

Here is a breakdown of the different components of the command:

  • qcp: Refers to the name of the utility or command being executed.
  • --option swap: This is an option provided to the qcp command. --option is a flag indicating that a specific option is being set, and swap could be the name or identifier of a specific swapping operation.
  • ${*-jpg}: This part seems to be the argument passed to the qcp command. ${*} typically represents all the arguments passed to the current script or command, and -jpg specifies a condition or filter for those arguments.

Overall, this command is likely a specific usage of the qcp utility, involving swapping or manipulating files with the extension .jpg. However, without more context about the specific purpose or functionality of the qcp utility, it's difficult to provide a more detailed explanation of the command's functionality.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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