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qdbus: List available service names.
$ qdbus
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The qdbus command is a command-line tool used on Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux) to interact with D-Bus, a message bus system that allows communication between applications running on the same system. D-Bus enables applications to publish, request, and exchange messages (method calls, signals, and properties) in a decentralized and asynchronous manner.

The qdbus command provides a convenient way to explore the available D-Bus services, objects, interfaces, and methods on a system. It allows you to query, introspect, and execute D-Bus operations from the command line.

Typically, the syntax of the qdbus command is as follows:

qdbus [OPTIONS] <command> <service> <path> <interface> <method|property|signal>
  • OPTIONS are various command-line options that modify the behavior of the qdbus command.
  • <command> specifies the operation to be performed, such as list, call, introspect, etc.
  • <service> represents the D-Bus service name.
  • <path> denotes the object path in D-Bus hierarchy.
  • <interface> specifies the interface (defined as XML) exposed by the service or object.
  • <method|property|signal> specifies the method, property, or signal name, depending on the <command>.

For example, some commonly used qdbus commands are:

  • qdbus --system lists all the available D-Bus system services.
  • qdbus --session lists all the available D-Bus session services.
  • qdbus --system org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames calls the ListNames method on the D-Bus service running on the system bus.
  • qdbus --session org.example.Application /org/example/Application org.example.Application.someSignal emits the someSignal signal from the D-Bus service running on the session bus.

Overall, the qdbus command provides a powerful way to interact with D-Bus services and perform various tasks related to D-Bus messaging and management.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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