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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qdbus. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


qdbus is a command line tool for interacting with D-Bus, a message bus system to facilitate communication between applications. It allows you to query and manipulate D-Bus objects and services.

With qdbus, you can list all available objects and services on the bus, obtain information about their interfaces, methods, properties, and signals. It provides an easy way to introspect and understand the various components running on the D-Bus.

You can call methods exposed by D-Bus objects using qdbus, passing the appropriate object path, interface, and method name. It accepts both synchronous and asynchronous method calls with the ability to specify input arguments and receive return values. This makes it possible to interact with applications that expose D-Bus interfaces.

qdbus supports signals, which are emitted by objects when certain events occur. By using qdbus, you can monitor signals emitted on the bus and take appropriate actions based on those signals. This can be helpful in automating tasks or creating event-driven architectures.

Additionally, qdbus allows you to set, get, or monitor properties exposed by D-Bus objects. You can view the current values of properties, change their values, or listen for changes to specific properties.

qdbus offers a range of options to customize its behavior, including filters and arguments to limit the scope of queries or calls. It supports various output formats, making it easier to parse and use the returned data.

This command line tool is especially useful for system administrators, developers, or power users who need to interact with D-Bus from the command line for tasks like troubleshooting, debugging, or automating operations.

qdbus is part of the Qt D-Bus module, which is widely used in Linux-based systems and applications to provide inter-process communication capabilities. It is available in most Linux distributions and can be readily used without any additional setup or installation.

List of commands for qdbus:

  • qdbus:tldr:08502 qdbus: Execute a specific method passing arguments and display the returned value.
    $ qdbus ${service_name} ${-path-to-object} ${method_name} ${argument1} ${argument2}
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  • qdbus:tldr:4766c qdbus: List available service names.
    $ qdbus
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  • qdbus:tldr:82705 qdbus: List object paths for a specific service.
    $ qdbus ${service_name}
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  • qdbus:tldr:91ae2 qdbus: List methods, signals and properties available on a specific object.
    $ qdbus ${service_name} ${-path-to-object}
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  • qdbus:tldr:bb94f qdbus: Display help.
    $ qdbus --help
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  • qdbus:tldr:beea1 qdbus: Display the current brightness value in a KDE Plasma session.
    $ qdbus ${org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement} ${-org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement-Actions-BrightnessControl} ${org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement-Actions-BrightnessControl-brightness}
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  • qdbus:tldr:e5359 qdbus: Set a specific brightness to a KDE Plasma session.
    $ qdbus ${org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement} ${-org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement-Actions-BrightnessControl} ${org-kde-Solid-PowerManagement-Actions-BrightnessControl-setBrightness} ${5000}
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