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qlmanage: Compute 300px wide PNG thumbnails of all JPEGs in the current directory and put them in a directory.
$ qlmanage ${*-jpg} -t -s ${300} ${path-to-directory}
try on your machine

The command you provided is a mix of shell syntax and a specific command called "qlmanage" that is used on macOS.

"qlmanage" is a command-line tool on macOS that allows you to interact with Quick Look, which is a feature that provides a preview of files.

Now let's break down the command:

  1. ${*-jpg}: This is a shell variable that is being passed as an argument to the qlmanage command. It uses wildcard characters (*) to match any string and append "-jpg" to it. So, if you have files like "file1.jpg", "file2.jpg", etc. in the current directory, this argument will match and preview those files.

  2. -t: This is an option flag for the qlmanage command, which stands for "Thumbnail." It tells qlmanage to generate a thumbnail of the file(s) specified in the previous argument.

  3. -s ${300}: This is another option flag for qlmanage that stands for "scale" and specifies the size of the thumbnail to be generated. In this case, the size is set to 300 pixels.

  4. ${path-to-directory}: This is a placeholder for the actual path to the directory where the files you want to preview are located. You would need to replace ${path-to-directory} with the actual directory path in order for the command to work correctly.

So, when you run this command in a macOS terminal with the appropriate directory path, it will use qlmanage to generate thumbnails of jpeg files in that directory with a size of 300 pixels.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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