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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qlmanage. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


qlmanage is a command line tool available on macOS that allows users to interact with Quick Look, a feature that provides a preview of various file types without opening them. It is mainly used to view the contents of files without launching any associated applications.

One of the primary functions of qlmanage is to generate thumbnails for different file formats. It can be used to extract and display thumbnail images of files from the command line.

qlmanage also enables users to preview the contents of a file in different formats like text, HTML, or PDF. This feature comes in handy when you want to quickly glance at the contents of a specific file without opening it in its default application.

Additionally, qlmanage allows users to specify different display options, such as changing the size of the preview, adjusting the background color, or even disabling the auto-play feature.

Users can also use qlmanage to manage plugins that enhance Quick Look's abilities. These plugins provide additional support for file types that are not natively supported by macOS.

Moreover, qlmanage provides a debugging mode that helps developers troubleshoot issues related to Quick Look preview extensions or their configurations.

Overall, qlmanage is a versatile tool for leveraging Quick Look's capabilities through the command line interface, providing convenient file previews, thumbnails, and various customization options.

List of commands for qlmanage:

  • qlmanage:tldr:3c562 qlmanage: Display QuickLook for one or multiple files.
    $ qlmanage -p ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • qlmanage:tldr:844e4 qlmanage: Compute 300px wide PNG thumbnails of all JPEGs in the current directory and put them in a directory.
    $ qlmanage ${*-jpg} -t -s ${300} ${path-to-directory}
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  • qlmanage:tldr:d3a8f qlmanage: Reset QuickLook.
    $ qlmanage -r
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