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qm-cleanup: Clean up resources.
$ qm cleanup ${vm_id} ${clean-shutdown} ${guest-requested}
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The command "qm cleanup ${vm_id} ${clean-shutdown} ${guest-requested}" is used to clean up resources associated with a virtual machine (VM) in a system.

Here's what the different parts of the command mean:

  • "qm cleanup": This is the command itself, indicating that a cleanup operation needs to be performed on a VM.
  • "${vm_id}": This is a parameter that represents the ID of the VM for which the cleanup is being performed. The actual ID value needs to be provided when executing the command.
  • "${clean-shutdown}": This parameter specifies whether the VM was cleanly shut down before the cleanup. The value for this parameter can be either "yes" or "no" indicating whether a clean shutdown occurred or not.
  • "${guest-requested}": This parameter indicates whether the VM sent a guest request for the cleanup. Similar to the previous parameter, it can be either "yes" or "no".

Overall, this command is used to perform a cleanup operation on a specific VM, considering factors like the VM's ID, the type of shutdown, and whether the VM itself initiated the cleanup request.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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