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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


QM is a command line tool that stands for "Query Manager". It is used for managing SQL queries in a simplified manner. QM allows users to execute SQL queries directly from the command line interface. It supports various database systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle. Users can connect to a specific database using the appropriate connection string. QM provides features like query execution, result formatting, and result exporting. It allows users to save and manage frequently used queries in a query library. The tool provides syntax highlighting and auto-completion for SQL queries. Users can easily switch between multiple connections or databases. QM is an open-source tool, offering extensibility through plugins and customization options.

List of commands for qm:

  • qm-cleanup:tldr:593aa qm-cleanup: Clean up resources.
    $ qm cleanup ${vm_id} ${clean-shutdown} ${guest-requested}
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  • qm-clone:tldr:3822d qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine creating a full copy of all disks.
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --full
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  • qm-clone:tldr:50ca4 qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine using a specific name.
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --name ${name}
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  • qm-clone:tldr:514a9 qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine using a specific format for file storage (requires `--full`).
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --full --format ${select}
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  • qm-clone:tldr:82c66 qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine.
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id}
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  • qm-clone:tldr:9dee4 qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine then add it to a specific pool.
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --pool ${pool_name}
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  • qm-clone:tldr:e0b2f qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine using a specific descriptionn.
    $ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --description ${description}
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  • qm-cloudinit-dump:tldr:ff5f5 qm-cloudinit-dump: Generate a cloudinit file for a specific configuration type.
    $ qm cloudinit dump ${virtual_machine_id} ${select}
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  • qm-config:tldr:00904 qm-config: Display the virtual machine configuration.
    $ qm config ${vm_id}
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  • qm-config:tldr:305fe qm-config: Fetch the configuration values from the given snapshot.
    $ qm config --snapshot ${snapshot_name} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-config:tldr:3a550 qm-config: Display the current configuration values instead of pending values for the virtual machine.
    $ qm config --current ${true} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-create:tldr:0db64 qm-create: Specify the type of operating system on the machine.
    $ qm create ${100} --ostype ${win10}
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  • qm-create:tldr:428bd qm-create: Automatically start the machine after creation.
    $ qm create ${100} --start 1
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  • qm-create:tldr:bdf41 qm-create: Replace an existing machine (requires archiving it).
    $ qm create ${100} --archive ${path-to-backup_file-tar} --force 1
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  • qm-create:tldr:eeb74 qm-create: Create a virtual machine.
    $ qm create ${100}
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  • qm-delsnapshot:tldr:a1185 qm-delsnapshot: Delete a snapshot from a configuration file (even if removing the disk snapshot fails).
    $ qm delsnapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name} --force 1
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  • qm-delsnapshot:tldr:dfc44 qm-delsnapshot: Delete a snapshot.
    $ qm delsnapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name}
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:1e9fc qm-destroy: Destroy all disks that are not explicitly referenced in a specific virtual machine's configuration.
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id} --destroy-unreferenced-disks
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:639c1 qm-destroy: Destroy a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id}
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:d004e qm-destroy: Destroy a specific virtual machine ignoring locks and forcing destroy.
    $ sudo qm destroy ${vm_id} --skiplock
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:e5a6c qm-destroy: Destroy a virtual machine and remove from all locations (inventory, backup jobs, high availability managers, etc.).
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id} --purge
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  • qm-guest-cmd:tldr:5a632 qm-guest-cmd: Execute a specific QEMU Guest Agent command.
    $ qm guest cmd ${virtual_machine_id} ${select}
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  • qm-guest-exec-status:tldr:19bed qm-guest-exec-status: Print the status of a specific PID.
    $ qm guest exec-status ${vm_id} ${pid}
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  • qm-guest-exec:tldr:6dcd9 qm-guest-exec: Execute a specific command via a guest agent asynchronously.
    $ qm guest exec ${vm_id} ${arg1 arg2 ---} --synchronous 0
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  • qm-guest-exec:tldr:9531b qm-guest-exec: Execute a specific command via a guest agent with a specified timeout of 10 seconds.
    $ qm guest exec ${vm_id} ${arg1 arg2 ---} --timeout ${10}
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  • qm-guest-exec:tldr:a3212 qm-guest-exec: Execute a specific command via a guest agent and forward input from STDIN until EOF to the guest agent.
    $ qm guest exec ${vm_id} ${arg1 arg2 ---} --pass-stdin 1
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  • qm-guest-exec:tldr:afba2 qm-guest-exec: Execute a specific command via a guest agent.
    $ qm guest exec ${vm_id} ${command} ${arg1 arg2 ---}
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  • qm-guest-passwd:tldr:36fa1 qm-guest-passwd: Set an already hashed password for a specific user in a virtual machine interactively.
    $ qm guest passwd ${vm_id} ${username} --crypted 1
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  • qm-guest-passwd:tldr:a2311 qm-guest-passwd: Set a password for a specific user in a virtual machine interactively.
    $ qm guest passwd ${vm_id} ${username}
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  • qm-help:tldr:7f87d qm-help: Display help for a specific command with detailed information.
    $ qm help ${command} --verbose ${select}
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  • qm-help:tldr:8748a qm-help: Display help for a specific command.
    $ qm help ${command}
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  • qm-listsnapshot:tldr:be0bf qm-listsnapshot: List all snapshots of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm listsnapshot ${vm_id}
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  • qm-migrate:tldr:414f0 qm-migrate: Migrate a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm migrate ${vm_id} ${target}
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  • qm-migrate:tldr:c6ca1 qm-migrate: Enable live storage migration for local disks.
    $ qm migrate ${vm_id} ${target} --with-local-disks true
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  • qm-migrate:tldr:c6fa4 qm-migrate: Allow migration of virtual machines using local devices (root only).
    $ qm migrate ${vm_id} ${target} --force true
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  • qm-migrate:tldr:cb01b qm-migrate: Override the current I/O bandwidth limit with 10 KiB/s.
    $ qm migrate ${vm_id} ${target} --bwlimit 10
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  • qm-migrate:tldr:e473e qm-migrate: Use online/live migration if a virtual machine is running.
    $ qm migrate ${vm_id} ${target} --online true
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  • qm-monitor:tldr:3123d qm-monitor: Enter the QEMU Monitor interface of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm monitor ${vm_id}
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  • qm-mtunnel:tldr:6ebdb qm-mtunnel: Command used by `qmigrate` during data migration from a VM to another host.
    $ qm mtunnel
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  • qm-nbdstop:tldr:07263 qm-nbdstop: Stop embedded nbd server.
    $ qm nbdstop ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-pending:tldr:4aa0d qm-pending: Get the virtual machine configuration of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm pending ${vm_id}
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  • qm-reboot:tldr:db16a qm-reboot: Reboot a virtual machine.
    $ qm reboot ${vm_id}
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  • qm-reboot:tldr:dfded qm-reboot: Reboot a virtual machine after wait for at most 10 seconds.
    $ qm reboot --timeout ${10} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-rescan:tldr:00247 qm-rescan: Rescan all storages and update disk sizes and unused disk images of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm rescan ${vm_id}
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  • qm-rescan:tldr:bff94 qm-rescan: Perform a dry-run of rescan on a specific virtual machine and do not write any changes to configurations.
    $ qm rescan --dryrun ${true} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-reset:tldr:c8fdf qm-reset: Reset a virtual machine.
    $ qm reset ${vm_id}
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  • qm-reset:tldr:dabde qm-reset: Reset a virtual machine and skip lock (only root can use this option).
    $ qm reset --skiplock ${true} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-resume:tldr:63d65 qm-resume: Resume a specific virtual machine ignoring locks (requires root).
    $ sudo qm resume ${vm_id} --skiplock true
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  • qm-resume:tldr:f297b qm-resume: Resume a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm resume ${vm_id}
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  • qm-rollback:tldr:13a58 qm-rollback: Rollback the state of a specific VM to a specified snapshot.
    $ qm rollback ${vm_id} ${snap_name}
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  • qm-sendkey:tldr:64332 qm-sendkey: Send the specified key event to a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm sendkey ${vm_id} ${key}
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  • qm-sendkey:tldr:7eee5 qm-sendkey: Allow root user to send key event and ignore locks.
    $ qm sendkey --skiplock ${true} ${vm_id} ${key}
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  • qm-showcmd:tldr:6f321 qm-showcmd: Fetch config values from a specific snapshot.
    $ qm showcmd --snapshot ${string} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-showcmd:tldr:cb36b qm-showcmd: Show command-line for a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm showcmd ${vm_id}
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  • qm-showcmd:tldr:faf34 qm-showcmd: Put each option on a new line to enhance human readability.
    $ qm showcmd --pretty ${true} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-shutdown:tldr:09e85 qm-shutdown: Shutdown a virtual machine.
    $ qm shutdown ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-shutdown:tldr:6aba0 qm-shutdown: Shutdown a virtual machine and skip lock (only root can use this option).
    $ qm shutdown --skiplock ${true} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-shutdown:tldr:6e48a qm-shutdown: Shutdown a virtual machine after wait for at most 10 seconds.
    $ qm shutdown --timeout ${10} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-shutdown:tldr:89db5 qm-shutdown: Shutdown a virtual machine and do not deactivate storage volumes.
    $ qm shutdown --keepActive ${true} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-shutdown:tldr:c7276 qm-shutdown: Stop and shutdown a virtual machine.
    $ qm shutdown --forceStop ${true} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-snapshot:tldr:0bba5 qm-snapshot: Create a snapshot of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm snapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name}
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  • qm-snapshot:tldr:7d934 qm-snapshot: Create a snapshot with a specific description.
    $ qm snapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name} --description ${description}
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  • qm-snapshot:tldr:d9943 qm-snapshot: Create a snapshot including the vmstate.
    $ qm snapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name} --description ${description} --vmstate 1
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  • qm-start:tldr:7f1ad qm-start: Specify the QEMU machine type (i.e. the CPU to emulate).
    $ qm start ${100} --machine ${q35}
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  • qm-start:tldr:b5a77 qm-start: Start a specific virtual machine with a timeout in 60 seconds.
    $ qm start ${100} --timeout ${60}
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  • qm-start:tldr:db20e qm-start: Start a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm start ${100}
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  • qm-status:tldr:7094d qm-status: Display detailed status of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm status --verbose ${true} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-status:tldr:f9d3d qm-status: Display the status of a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm status ${vm_id}
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  • qm-stop:tldr:22e87 qm-stop: Stop a virtual machine and don't deactivate storage volumes.
    $ qm stop --keepActive ${true} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-stop:tldr:56ece qm-stop: Stop a virtual machine and wait for at most 10 seconds.
    $ qm stop --timeout ${10} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-stop:tldr:716c9 qm-stop: Stop a virtual machine and skip lock (only root can use this option).
    $ qm stop --skiplock ${true} ${VM_ID}
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  • qm-unlock:tldr:d2f56 qm-unlock: Unlock a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm unlock ${vm_id}
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  • qm-vncproxy:tldr:8e364 qm-vncproxy: Proxy a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm vncproxy ${vm_id}
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  • qm-wait:tldr:184e0 qm-wait: Wait until the virtual machine is stopped with a 10 second timeout.
    $ qm wait --timeout ${10} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-wait:tldr:afe21 qm-wait: Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped with a 10 second timeout.
    $ qm shutdown ${vm_id} && qm wait --timeout ${10} ${vm_id}
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  • qm-wait:tldr:f3cdb qm-wait: Wait until the virtual machine is stopped.
    $ qm wait ${vm_id}
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  • qm:tldr:29820 qm: List all virtual machines.
    $ qm list
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  • qm:tldr:5a66a qm: Using an ISO file uploaded on the local storage, create a virtual machine with a 4 GB IDE disk on the `local-lvm` storage and an ID of 100.
    $ qm create ${100} -ide0 ${local-lvm:4} -net0 ${e1000} -cdrom ${local:iso-proxmox-mailgateway_2-1-iso}
    try on your machine
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  • qm:tldr:b6119 qm: Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped.
    $ qm shutdown ${100} && qm wait ${100}
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tool overview