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qm-clone: Copy a virtual machine using a specific descriptionn.
$ qm copy ${vm_id} ${new_vm_id} --description ${description}
try on your machine

This command is likely specific to a certain software or system, as it does not resemble any commonly used command line syntax.

However, based on the provided command, it might be using a tool called "qm" to copy a virtual machine (VM). Here is a breakdown of the different parts:

  • qm copy: This is the main command for copying a VM.
  • ${vm_id}: This is likely a variable representing the ID or name of the original VM that needs to be copied.
  • ${new_vm_id}: This is likely a variable representing the ID or name of the new VM that will be created as a copy.
  • --description: This is likely an option specifying that the description for the new VM follows.
  • ${description}: This is likely a variable representing the description of the new VM.

In summary, this command seems to be copying a VM with some provided parameters like the original VM's ID, the new VM's ID, and the description of the new VM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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