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qm-config: Display the current configuration values instead of pending values for the virtual machine.
$ qm config --current ${true} ${vm_id}
try on your machine

This command qm config --current ${true} ${vm_id} is likely a command from a command-line interface or a terminal.

Here is a breakdown of the different parts:

qm is likely a command or a program used to configure or manage virtual machines. It stands for "QEMU Manager" which is a software for managing QEMU-based Virtual Machines.

config is a command or a subcommand used to configure settings or parameters of a virtual machine.

--current is an argument or an option that specifies that the following settings or configurations should be applied to the currently running virtual machine.

${true} is a placeholder, usually used in scripts or programming languages, to represent the boolean value "true". It may be used to enable or disable a certain configuration option.

${vm_id} is another placeholder that represents the ID or a unique identifier of the virtual machine for which the configuration is being set. You would need to replace ${vm_id} with the actual ID of the virtual machine you want to configure.

Overall, it seems like this command is used to set or configure certain options for a running virtual machine with the provided ID. The specific configuration options and their effects would depend on the software being used and its available features.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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