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List of commands for qm-destroy:

  • qm-destroy:tldr:1e9fc qm-destroy: Destroy all disks that are not explicitly referenced in a specific virtual machine's configuration.
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id} --destroy-unreferenced-disks
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:639c1 qm-destroy: Destroy a specific virtual machine.
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id}
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:d004e qm-destroy: Destroy a specific virtual machine ignoring locks and forcing destroy.
    $ sudo qm destroy ${vm_id} --skiplock
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  • qm-destroy:tldr:e5a6c qm-destroy: Destroy a virtual machine and remove from all locations (inventory, backup jobs, high availability managers, etc.).
    $ qm destroy ${vm_id} --purge
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