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qm-guest-exec: Execute a specific command via a guest agent asynchronously.
$ qm guest exec ${vm_id} ${arg1 arg2 ---} --synchronous 0
try on your machine

This command is using the 'qm guest exec' command in the context of a specific virtual machine.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • 'qm guest exec' is a command used to execute a command or a script within a running virtual machine.
  • '${vm_id}' is a placeholder for the ID of the virtual machine where the command will be executed. It should be replaced with the actual ID of the desired virtual machine.
  • '${arg1 arg2 ---}' represents the arguments that will be passed to the command or script being executed within the virtual machine. Multiple arguments can be included, separated by spaces.
  • '--synchronous 0' is an option that determines whether the command execution should be synchronous or asynchronous. In this case, '0' indicates that the command should execute asynchronously, allowing the control to return to the caller immediately without waiting for the command to finish.

Overall, this command allows you to execute a command or script within a virtual machine identified by '${vm_id}', passing any desired arguments '${arg1 arg2 ---}', and choosing whether the execution should be synchronous or asynchronous.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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