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qm-sendkey: Allow root user to send key event and ignore locks.
$ qm sendkey --skiplock ${true} ${vm_id} ${key}
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The command qm sendkey --skiplock ${true} ${vm_id} ${key} is used to send a key press event to a virtual machine (VM) running on the Proxmox VE hypervisor.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • qm sendkey is the Proxmox command used to send a key press event to a VM.
  • --skiplock is an option that allows the command to be executed even if the VM is locked. It bypasses any lock present on the VM.
  • ${true} is a placeholder variable indicating that the --skiplock option is enabled.
  • ${vm_id} is another placeholder variable representing the ID or name of the VM that should receive the key press event. You need to replace ${vm_id} with the actual VM ID or name.
  • ${key} is also a placeholder variable for the key that should be sent to the VM. You need to replace ${key} with the actual key press event you want to send.

By executing this command with the appropriate values, you can send key press events to a specific VM even if it is locked, allowing you to perform certain actions or simulate user input within the VM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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