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qm-showcmd: Put each option on a new line to enhance human readability.
$ qm showcmd --pretty ${true} ${vm_id}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a command-line interface (CLI) for a tool or software called "qm" or "qm showcmd".

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  1. "qm showcmd" is the main command being executed. It is followed by options and arguments.
  2. "--pretty" is an option that most likely affects the formatting or display of the output, making it more readable or visually appealing.
  3. "${true}" is likely a variable or placeholder for a boolean value (true or false). It may be replaced with an actual true/false value such as "true" or "false" before executing the command.
  4. "${vm_id}" is another variable or placeholder, representing the ID of a virtual machine. It should be replaced with the specific ID of the virtual machine before executing the command.

Overall, this command likely retrieves or displays specific information about a virtual machine, potentially applying some formatting options, given the true/false value and virtual machine ID provided.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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