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qm-snapshot: Create a snapshot of a specific virtual machine.
$ qm snapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name}
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This command is used for creating a snapshot of a virtual machine (VM) in the IBM Q System One quantum computing platform. Here's what each part of the command means:

  • qm snapshot: This part of the command instructs the system to create a snapshot of a VM. A snapshot is a copy of the VM's state at a specific point in time. It captures the VM's current memory, disk, and device state.

  • ${vm_id}: This is a placeholder for the ID of the virtual machine which you want to take a snapshot of. It should be replaced with the actual ID of the VM.

    • ${snapshot_name}: This is a placeholder for the desired name of the snapshot you want to create. It should be replaced with a meaningful name that identifies the snapshot.

So when you run this command, the system will create a snapshot of the specified virtual machine with a given name for future reference or potential restoration purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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