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qm-snapshot: Create a snapshot with a specific description.
$ qm snapshot ${vm_id} ${snapshot_name} --description ${description}
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This command is used in the context of managing virtual machines (VMs) using the IBM Q Management (QM) system. The specific command, "qm snapshot", is utilized to create a snapshot of a VM.

Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "qm snapshot": This part of the command specifies that you want to take a snapshot of a VM.

  • "${vm_id}": This variable should be replaced with the ID of the VM for which you want to create a snapshot. It helps identify the specific VM you are working with.

  • "${snapshot_name}": This variable should be substituted with the name you want to assign to the created snapshot. It is a custom name that helps you identify the snapshot easily.

  • "--description ${description}": This component is optional but can be useful for providing additional information about the snapshot. You can replace "${description}" with a brief description or explanatory text to document the purpose or details of the snapshot.

To summarize, the command allows you to create a snapshot of a VM with specific ID (${vm_id}), assigning a name (${snapshot_name}) to it while optionally including a description (${description}) for the snapshot.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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